az network nic vtap-config delete 刪除虛擬網路點選組態。Azure CLI 複製 az network nic vtap-config delete [--ids] [--name] [--nic-name] [--resource-group] [--subscription]選擇性參數--ids一或多個資源識別碼 (以空格分隔)。 它應該是包含 「資源識別碼」引數所有資訊的完整資源識別碼。
Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy - envoy/configs/envoy-tap-config.yaml at main · comius/envoy
guard_config_update.exe --set-tap-parameter upload_feature=1;TENANT_ID=stuff10;ALL_CAN_CONTROL=1 Updated Tap section upload_feature=1 Updated Tap section TENANT_ID=stuff10 Updated Tap section ALL_CAN_CONTROL=1 --set-tap-parameter-force parmName1=parmValue1;parmName2=parmValue2...Change th...
@tapjs/config This is the library that tap uses to manage configuration coming from the command line options, environment variables, and config files. Configuring Node Tap If aTAP_RCFILEvalue is set in the process environment, then that will be the initial location that tap looks for ...
您可以使用guard_config_update脚本来更新 S-TAP 配置 (而不使用 GUI)。 关于此任务 注:参数名称不区分大小写。 过程 从管理命令提示符,浏览至Windows S-TAP>Bin。 使用需要为环境设置的参数来运行guard_config_update。 参数描述 - --help -h) )列出所有guard_config_update参数。
Learn more about the Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.NetworkInterfaceTapConfigBase.NetworkInterfaceTapConfigBase in the Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network namespace.
Configuração da autenticação do Active Directory para usuários do ONTAP PDF RSS Modo de foco Esta página foi útil? Sim Não Fornecer feedback Use a CLI do ONTAP para configurar o uso da autenticação do Active Directory para usuários de SVM e do sistema de arquivos do...
<!DOCTYPE html> Class: TapConfig — Homebrew Ruby API pathId = "TapConfig"; relpath = '';
ITLegacyAddressMediaControl::SetDevConfig method (tapi3if.h) Article 02/23/2024 Feedback In this article Syntax Parameters Return value Remarks Show 2 more The SetDevConfig function allows the application to restore the configuration of a media stream device on a line devic...
Get-AzureRmNetworkInterfaceTapConfig 参考 反馈 模块: AzureRM.Network 获取Tap 配置资源。 警告 截至2024 年 2 月 29 日,AzureRM PowerShell 模块已正式弃用。 为了确保持续获得支持和更新,建议用户从 AzureRM 迁移到 Az PowerShell 模块。 尽管AzureRM 模块仍可能正常运行,但它不再维护或受支持,但会根据用...