IKEV2_CONFIG_PARAMS 结构用于获取或设置 Internet 密钥交换版本 2 (IKEv2) 设备的参数, (RFC 4306)。语法C++ 复制 typedef struct _IKEV2_CONFIG_PARAMS { DWORD dwNumPorts; DWORD dwPortFlags; DWORD dwTunnelConfigParamFlags; IKEV2_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS TunnelConfigParams; } IKEV2_CONFIG_PARAMS, *P...
SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS结构用于在 RAS 服务器上获取和设置安全套接字隧道协议 (SSTP) 的设备配置。 语法 C++ typedefstruct_SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS{DWORD dwNumPorts; DWORD dwPortFlags; BOOL isUseHttps; DWORD certAlgorithm; SSTP_CERT_INFO sstpCertDetails; } SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS, *PSSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS; ...
SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS結構可用來取得和設定 RAS Server 上安全套接字通道通訊協定 (SSTP) 的裝置組態。 語法 C++ typedefstruct_SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS{DWORD dwNumPorts; DWORD dwPortFlags; BOOL isUseHttps; DWORD certAlgorithm; SSTP_CERT_INFO sstpCertDetails; } SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS, *PSSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS; ...
SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS 结构用于在 RAS 服务器上获取和设置安全套接字隧道协议 (SSTP) 的设备配置。语法C++ 复制 typedef struct _SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS { DWORD dwNumPorts; DWORD dwPortFlags; BOOL isUseHttps; DWORD certAlgorithm; SSTP_CERT_INFO sstpCertDetails; } SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS, *PSSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS...
TheL2TP_CONFIG_PARAMSstructure is used to get and set the device configuration for Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) on a RAS Server. Syntax C++ typedefstruct_L2TP_CONFIG_PARAMS1{DWORD dwNumPorts; DWORD dwPortFlags; DWORD dwTunnelConfigParamFlags; L2TP_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS TunnelConfigParams; }...
MPRAPI_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS Router Management Reference Router Management Structures Feedback Was this page helpful? YesNo Provide product feedback| Get help at Microsoft Q&A Additional resources Events 19 Nov, 07 - 23 Nov, 07 Gain the competitive edge you need with powerful AI and Cloud solutions...
Config_Params and SoR_Profile Database Tables elements Table 4-2describes the fields in the Config_Params and SoR_Profile Database tables. Table 4-2 Config_Params and SoR_ProfileDatabase Table Elements
L2TP_CONFIG_PARAMS结构用于在 RAS 服务器上获取和设置第 2 层隧道协议 (L2TP) 的设备配置。语法C++ 复制 typedef struct _L2TP_CONFIG_PARAMS0 { DWORD dwNumPorts; DWORD dwPortFlags; } L2TP_CONFIG_PARAMS0, *PL2TP_CONFIG_PARAMS0; 成员dwNumPorts...
Config_Params and SoR_Profile Database Tables elements Table 3-2describes the fields in the Config_Params and SoR_Profile Database tables. Table 3-2 Config_Params and SoR_ProfileDatabase Table Elements
不要直接在代码中使用 IKEV2_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS1 结构;改用 IKEV2_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS 可确保根据编译的代码所使用的操作系统使用正确的版本。语法C++ 复制 typedef struct _IKEV2_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS1 { DWORD dwIdleTimeout; DWORD dwNetworkBlackoutTime; DWORD dwSaLifeTime; DWORD dwSaDataSizeFor...