config wlan session-timeout 15 1800 config wlan exclusionlist 15 60 config wlan mfp client enable 15 As you can see all the CLI commands start with “config wlan” & as long as you master the “config wlan” CLI commands you should be able to configure any WLAN specific features via CLI...
// Period in seconds when the current session is removed from the WLAN infrastructure and triggers a new full authentication in the client device. Ideally this setting should match at both ends to avoid any part from expiring the current session. session-timeout 54000 ! // Period in seconds ...
bfd session nonexistent-config-check命令功能 bfd session nonexistent-config-check enable命令用来使能检查被联动的BFD会话是否被删除的功能。 undo bfd session nonexistent-config-check disable命令用来使能检查被联动的BFD会话是否被删除的功能。 bfd session nonexistent-config-check disable命令用来去使能检查被联动...
Configure the session timeout as necessary. REFERENCE: Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921G Deployment Guide 40030, Voice: WLAN with EAP, without CCKM, call quality during roaming may be disrupted When using 802.1x type authentication, you should implement CCKM for authentication. 802.1x can ...
WWAN_LTE_ATTACH_CONFIG结构描述插入的 SIM 提供商(MCC/MNC 对)的默认 LTE 附加上下文。 语法 C++复制 typedefstruct_WWAN_LTE_ATTACH_CONFIG{ULONG ElementCount; WWAN_CONTEXT_V2 LteContextArray[TotalRoamingConditions]; } WWAN_LTE_ATTACH_CONFIG, *PWWAN_LTE_ATTACH_CONFIG; ...
The bfd session nonexistent-config-check enable command enables the device to check whether the associated BFD session is deleted. The undo bfd session nonexistent-config-check disable command enables the device to check whether the associated BFD session is deleted. The bfd session nonexistent-...
Session Timeout : 1800 secondsCHD per WLAN : EnabledWebauth DHCP exclusion : DisabledInterface : defaultInterface Status : UpMulticast Interface : UnconfiguredWLAN IPv4 ACL : unconfiguredWLAN IPv6 ACL : unconfiguredDHCP Server : DefaultDHCP Address Assignment Required : DisabledDHCP Option 82 ...
Here are some important VoWLAN specific configurations as per the 7925 deployment Guide. This is not the complete (you should read the full Deployment Guide end to end) WLAN Advanced Settings * Configure Enable Session Timeout as necessary per your requi
キーが WLAN または EPDG、またはその両方で使用できるかどうかを識別します。 Key5gNrSsrsrpThresholdsIntArray 4 つのカスタマイズされた 5G SS 参照信号受信電力 (SSRSRP) しきい値の一覧。 Key5gNrSsrsrqThresholdsIntArray 4 つのカスタマイズされた 5G SS 参照信号受信品質 (SSRSRQ) し...