System-wide configuration file. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config ~/.gitconfig User-specific configuration files. When the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set or empty, $HOME/.config/ is used as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. These are also called "global" configuration files. If both files ex...
项目 描述 MAC Address Sticky-Config MAC地址。 VLAN/VSI/BD 设备所属的VLAN编号、VSI(Virtual Switch Instance)名称或BD域ID。 Learned-From 学到该MAC地址的接口。 Type MAC表项类型。仅显示为sticky-config,表示Sticky-Config类型的MAC地址。翻译...
true # Switch of ob-configserver.Log naming with localtime. The default value is true# log_compress: true # Compress ob-configserver.Log switch. The default value is true## vip config, configserver will generate url with vip_address and port and return it to the client## do not use ...
true # Switch of ob-configserver.Log naming with localtime. The default value is true# log_compress: true # Compress ob-configserver.Log switch. The default value is true## vip config, configserver will generate url with vip_address and port and return it to the client## do not use ...
System.AppDomainUnloadedException"/> <URLReservations> <Application> <Name>ReportServerWebService</Name> <VirtualDirectory>ReportServer</VirtualDirectory> <URLs> <URL> <UrlString>https://+:80</UrlString> <AccountSid>S-1-5-80-2885764129-887777008-271615777-1616004480-2722851051</AccountSid> <Account...
ID of the VLAN, name of the virtual switch instance (VSI), or ID of the BD to which the MAC address belongs. Learned-From Interface that learns a MAC address. Type Type of a MAC address entry. The value is sticky-config, which indicates a MAC address of the Sticky-Config ty...
Add-SCOperatingSystem Add-SCPowerOptimizationRange Add-SCPXEServer Add-SCScriptCommand Add-SCServerFeature Add-SCServicingWindowSubscription Add-SCSQLDeployment Add-SCSQLScriptCommand Add-SCStorageProvider Add-SCUpdateServer Add-SCUserRolePermission Add-SCVirtualizationManager Add-SCVirtualSwitchExtensionMan...
To test the Portal Themes, you can create a temporary Gateway Virtual Server with a temporary VIP. Remove the temporary configuration when done testing. Export Configuration Export running configuration from the old appliances by going to System > Diagnostics > Running Configuration and then click the...
Useful to quickly switch your shell to some exported credentials from a service account for testing permissions or pipe to upload to a CI/CD system via an API (eg. jenkins_cred_add*.sh, github_actions_repo*, gitlab_*, circleci_*, bit...
Type:SwitchParameter Position:Named Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -TransientManagementNetworkAdapter Specifies the physical network adapter that the management virtual network adapter binds to during the initial operating system deployment phas...