config_file) cfg.merge_from_list(args.opts) cfg.freeze() default_setup(cfg, args) return cfg cfg = get_cfg(): 获取已经配置好默认参数的cfg cfg.merge_from_file(args.config_file):config_file是指定的yaml配置文件,通过merge_from_file这个函数会将yaml文件中指定的超参数对默认值进行覆盖。 cfg....
merge_from_list(cfg_list: list) 参数: cfg_list(list):要合并的配置列表。 merge_from_other_cfg(cfg_other) 参数: cfg_other(CfgNode)要合并的配置。 pop(k[, d]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. 如果找不到键,则返回d(如果给出),否则引发KeyError popitem() → ...
cfg.merge_from_list(opts) print("cfg\n",cfg) 1. 2. 3. 那么最后会有 cfg...(一些默认值超参数)SYSTEM:NUM_GPUS:8TRAIN:SCALES:(1,2,3,4) 1. cfg.freeze(): freeze函数的作用是将超参数值冻结,避免被程序不小心修改。 default_setup(cfg, args):default_setup是detectron2/engine/default.py中...
_update_config_from_file( config, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cfg_file), cfg) ) print('=> merge config from {}'.format(cfg_file)) config.merge_from_file(cfg_file) config.freeze() #冻结参数,不能更新 #使用args参数更新 config.defrost() if args.opts: config.merge_from_list(args.opt...
参数: cfg_list(list):要合并的配置列表。 merge_from_other_cfg(cfg_other) 参数: cfg_other(CfgNode)要合并的配置。 pop(k[, d]) → v, remove specified keyandreturnthe corresponding value. 如果找不到键,则返回d(如果给出),否则引发KeyError ...
@@ -32,6 +25,11 @@ cfg.merge_from_list(["MODEL.WEIGHTS", "weights.pth"]) # can also load values f print(cfg.dump()) # print formatted configs ``` In addition to the basic Yaml syntax, the config file can define a `_BASE_: base.yaml` field, which will load a base config...
This library limits itself to config files. If you want to load config from a database or something, you would need to write some custom code. The library has nice support for merging configurations so if you build one from a custom source it's easy to merge it in. ...
merge_config.sh4.20 KB 一键复制编辑原始数据按行查看历史 Gabriel de Perthuis提交于9年前.kconfig/ Accept a single file #!/bin/sh # - Takes a list of config fragment values, and merges # them one by one. Provides warnings on overridden values, and specified...
$ php read_yaml_cfg.php 3000 localhost 27017 ydb Merging configuration files Themergemethod groups configuration files. config/db.yaml app: port: 3000 db: host: localhost port: 27017 name: ydb This is the first configuration file. config/app.yaml ...
cfg = get_cfg(): 获取已经配置好默认参数的cfg cfg.merge_from_file(args.config_file):config_file是指定的yaml配置文件,通过merge_from_file这个函数会将yaml文件中指定的超参数对默认值进行覆盖。 cfg.merge_from_list(args.opts):merge_from_list作用同上面的类似,只不过是通过命令行的方式覆盖。 例如...