#dependenciesRequiredForgeModrinth=forge-config-api-port, puzzles-lib # Optional Dependencies dependenciesOptionalFabricCurseForge=config-menus-forge dependenciesOptionalNeoForgeCurseForge=config-menus-forge dependenciesOptionalForgeCurseForge=config-menus-forge dependenciesOptionalFabricModrinth=forge-config-screens depend...
Allows Forge's configs to be configured directly in-game. Quick and easy with a beautiful design!
Initially, this mod was only supposed to provide config menus to mods using its config API. I only started it because I found Forge's Config API too annoying to use in my Aerobatic Elytra mod, andConfiguredwasn't yet a thing. However, inspired byConfigured, I decided to add a simple la...
<cr>:!python %<cr> autocmd FileType python so ~/vim_local/plugin/python_fold.vim "Set some bindings up for 'compile' of python autocmd FileType python set makeprg=python/ -c/ /"import/ py_compile,sys;/ sys.stderr=sys.stdout;/ py_compile.compile(r'%')/" autocmd FileType python ...
Simple Config menus let every player edit their ownclientandcommonconfiguration at any moment. Additionally, if authorized (seeConfig Permissions), certain players can also edit theserverandcommonconfiguration of a server when logged in said server. By default, unauthorized players will be able to se...
the HTML_DYNAMIC_MENUS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML # documentationwill contain a main index with vertical navigation menus that # aredynamically created via JavaScript. If disabled the navigation index will # consists
CMOS in this context means the 128 or 256 bytes of battery-backed up RAM that holds the state that was configured through the BIOS setup menus (or biosconfig). IPMI is a standard interface used to manage servers. For more information, see the following link: http://www.intel.com/design...
(38)) in code,Change desktop maximized area/workspace (fx to make deskbar type app)[*]Change focus behavior when buttons are clicked to work closer to 'standard windows' app[*](Context) Menus With Timed Tooltips,Fast Loops & Operators in AU3[*]Clipboard UDF, A clipboard change notification...
bind W "+forward" bind S "+back" bind A "+moveleft" bind D "+moveright" bind C "+movedown" bind SPACE "+moveup" bind SHIFT "+speed" bind MOUSE3 "+zoom" bind H "readyup" bind CTRL "+acc" bind TAB "+scores" bind Y "messagemode2" ...
PmenuSel # 弹出的提示条目中被选中条目的颜色 SpellBad # 拼写错误字符颜色 Visual # 可视化模式下选中字符的颜色 2) 文本区域配色:可编辑的文本区域的字符配色(全部的详细信息查看帮助文件:help hi查找*comment) 由于配色种类较多,vim 默认分了几大类(帮助信息中带*的): ...