针对你遇到的“error: the config file does not exist”错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认错误消息来源 首先,需要确定是哪个程序或脚本产生了这个错误消息。这通常可以通过错误消息的上下文或日志文件中的其他信息来判断。 2. 检查配置文件路径 一旦确定了产生错误的程序或脚本,接下来需要查看该程序...
您应该问的是the config file does not exist是什么意思 这句话的意思为: 配置文件 不存在,他的解决办法为:开机按F8键,进入 安全模式 ,也许会有改善。如能进去,那就再重启电脑,继续按F8键:此时可以选择使用【“最后一次正确的配置”启动Windows】选项来解决诸如新添加的 驱动程序 与硬件不相符之类问题的一种...
a、在vCenter中打开VM控制台时,显示如下错误消息: “Unable to connect to the MKS: virtual machine config file does not exist.” b、查看这些VM所在的数据存储均显示为灰色,括号状态为inactive。 c、只要是在这样状态数据存储上的vm都出现了该问题。 3、故障解决: 定位到“存储器”,点击“全部重新扫描”即可。
k8s config File does not exists: /tmp/tmpide2ool0 今天遇到这个问题,记录一下, File does not exists: /tmp/tmpide2ool0 重启下就好了 参考:https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/issues/765
Configuration file 'nodes/pve02/qemu-server/300.conf' does not exist So I'm stuck again, how can I import these VMs and run them please?fabian Proxmox Staff Member Staff member Jan 7, 2016 11,127 2,755 303 May 13, 2022 #2 you can only import into an existing VM, so you need...
[Error]: The config file does not exist, nor does the default 'configuration.json'. Use 'init' to create a configuration file first I don't understand why it says the config file doesn't exist when it is in the same directory. Any ideas?
if config is not None: return config if filename is None: filename = str(Path(__file__).parent / 'settings.cfg') filename = str(Path(__file__).parent / "settings.cfg") elif not Path(filename).is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("The given config file does not exist") config...
解决“Unable to read config path “/etc/kubernetes/manifests”: path does not exist”问题 1. 问题背景 在Kubernetes集群中,当我们启动或管理容器的时候,可能会遇到类似于“Unable to read config path ‘/etc/kubernetes/manifests’: path does not exist”这样的错误。这个错误通常是由于Kubernetes无法找到配...
the config file is invalid (ret=3), the config file cannot be written (ret=4), you try to unset an option which does not exist (ret=5), you try to unset/set an option for which multiple lines match (ret=5), or you try to use an invalid regexp (ret=6). On success, ...