classtest_mac_simple_duplexextendsuvm_test;...functionvoidset_wishbone_config_params();wb_config_0=new();// Get the virtual interface handle that was set in the top module or protocol moduleif(!uvm_config_db#(virtualwb_m_bus_driver_bfm)::get(this,"","WB_DRV_BFM",wb_config_0.wb_d...
Theuvm_resource_dbclass provides a convenience interface for the resources facility. In many cases basic operations such as creating and setting a resource or getting a resource could take multiple lines of code using the interfaces inuvm_resource_baseor uvm_resource#(T). The convenience layer in...
class config1 extends uvm_object; //**1. 创建一个配置类,将需要配置的变量放于其中** `uvm_object_utils(config1) int val1 = 1; int str1 = "null"; ... endclass class comp1 extends uvm_component; //组件 `uvm_component_utils(comp1) config1 cfg ; //声明配置类句柄 ... function vo...
1class uvm_resource_pool;23static local uvm_resource_pool rp =get();45uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rtab [string];6uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t ttab [uvm_resource_base];78get_t get_record [$];//history of gets910localfunctionnew();11endfunction121314//Function: get15//16//Returns...
39 uvm_config_db#(int)::set(uvm_root::get(), 40 “uvm_test_top.env.i_agt.drv”, 41 “pre_num”, 42 999); 43 `uvm_info(“my_case0”, “in my_case0, env.i_agt.drv.pre_num is set to 999”, UVM_LOW) 而env的set语句是: ...
UVM从入门到崩溃boom!之第七章:如何在build_phase中利用UVM configuration机制传递config类,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
UVM Configuration DatabaseThe uvm_config_db is a UVM utility class that is used to pass configuration data objects between component objects in a UVM testbench.UVM - Universal Verification Methodology Verification Methodology Team Last Updated Mar 2018 UVM Configuration Configuration Database Beginner ...
// class: uvm_config_db // // All of the functions in uvm_config_db#(T) are static, so they // must be called using the :: operator. For example:// //| uvm_config_db#(int)::set(this, "*", "A");// // The parameter value "int" identifies the configuration type as ...
The UVM Config DB and Scope November 2, 2020 Introduction With any large software project, you need to share information and control across widely separated blocks. In the bad… By Chris Spear 3 MIN READ UVM Configuration DB Guidelines May 7, 2020 Introduction My previous blog posts were on ...
`timescale 1ns/1ps `include "uvm_macros.svh" `define LENGTH 4 import uvm_pkg::*; class Item extends uvm_sequence_item; `uvm_object_utils(Item) rand bit in; bit out; virtual function string convert2str(); return $sformatf("in=%0d, out=%0d", in, out); endfunct...