Bonus points if there's a better method of saving a full config of a standalone Cisco switch than just copying output of some show commands into text file...? I have this problem too
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)#int fa 0/1 Switch(config-if)#speed 100 Switch(config-if)#duplex full Switch(config-if)#end Switch# %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console Switch#show version Cisco IOS Software, C2960 Software (C2...
When I setup the EEM followed your command lines, seems nothing was happened. (no logs left to switch) So I was trying to add more cli followed Cisco document like this, still nothing happened.Could you provide how could I debugging without any switch running interrupt..? --- event manage...
ISL用于识别VLAN信息,在交换的汇聚口即trunk口设置。如果没有switchport trunk encapsulation isl 交换机是不会正常转发带有vlan标识的数据包的。网络工作会出现异常
switch(config)# 配置模式 输入命令进入全局配置模式: Switch> enable Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# 1. 设置交换机名称: Switch(config)#hostname CISCO 2. 设置enable密码 CISCO(config)#enable secret 123456 3. 设置交换机时间 CISCO#clock set 10:00:00 22 May 2024 ...
cisco 路由器&switch权限管理:使用privilege exec level 14 show running-config后,看不到啥内容 当我们想在cisco 路由器或交换机上执行权限分级管理时,常常需要为不同级别的用户分配超出默认设置的命令,比如show run就是最基本的排错命令。 但是当你的用户级别处在0-14时,是无法执行该命令的。你可以使用如下命令...
在Cisco 3560三层交换机上配置命令Switch(config-if)# no switchport的作用是( )。(选择1项) A. 删除该端口上的配置 B. 将该端口配置为二层交换端口 C. 将该端口配置为三层路由端口 D. 将该端口配置为Trunk端口 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C 、将该端口配置为三层路由端口 ...
Beginning from Cisco NX-OS Release 10.4(3)F, you can also use polymorphic commands in candidate configuration to perform partial diff. EIGRP address family IPv4 configs are recommended to configure under the EIGRP address...
在Cis co3550三层交换机上配置命令Switch(config-if)#no switchport的作用是()。 A.将该端口关闭 B.将该端口配置为二层交换端口 C.将该端口配置为三层路由端口 D.将该端口配置为Trunk端口
(Cisco Controller) >config 802.11a 11acsupport mcs tx 9 ss 3config 802.11-a antenna extAntGain To configure the external antenna gain for the 4.9-GHz and 5.8-GHz public safety channels on an access point, use the config 802.11-a antenna extAntGain commands. config { 802.11-a49 |...