2006. Anonymity and confidentiality. Paper presented at the ESRC Research Methods Festival, NCRM Working Paper Series2/06. University of Oxford, July 2006. Southampton: University of Southampton. http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk /423/1/0206_anonymity%2520and%2520confidentiality.pdf (Accessed on 29 ...
Given that edge computing is a new research topic, robust integrated solutions to its various challenges, including security, and secure routing, have not yet been proposed. However, one of the problems with using such systems is that unauthorized people infiltrate the system and use its informatio...
Transparency lies at the heart of canonical theories of international negotiations and institutions—yet it is rarely directly measured or explained.
The underlying premise on which this chapter is based is the right of all children to have their voices heard, regardless of any impairment. From this perspective, the ethics of research with...doi:10.1057/978-1-137-54446-9_20Liz Thackray...
Wiles, R., Crow, G., Heath, S., & Charles, V. (2008). The management of confidentiality and anonymity in social research. International Journal of Research Methodology, 11(5), 417-428.Wiles R. Crow G. Heath S. Charles V. The Management of Confidentiality and Anonymity in Social ...
(2007) The Management of Confidentiality and Anonymity in Social Research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 1-12Wiles R, Crow G, Heath S, Chales V. The management of confi- dentiality and anonymity in social research. Int J Soc Res Methodol 2008;11:417-28....
Gibson, Susanne; Benson, Outi & Brand, Sarah L. (2013). Talking about suicide: Confidentiality and anonymity in qualitative research. Nursing Ethics, 20(1), 18-29.Gibson, S., Benson, O., & Brand, S. (2013). Talking about suicide: Confidentiality and anonymity in qualitative research. ...
This was a qualitative study informed by an interpretive philosophical paradigm that used document analysis as a method for assessing the ethicalness of anonymity and confidentiality as espoused in the University of South Africa (Unisa) Unisa Research Policy. This article concludes that although there ...
Wiles, R., Crow, G., Heath, S. and Charles, V. (2008) ‘The Management of Confidentiality and Anonymity in Social Research’, International Journal of Social Research Methodology , 11(5): 417–428.Wiles R, Crow G, Heath S, Charles V: The management of confidentiality and anonymity in...