An agreement for employees not to work for a competitor, not form a competing business, and to maintain confidentiality during employment.
a subject we have examined before. But for the moment, let’s focus on how business gets employees to respect and protect the integrity of the company’s own data assets. Here, we need to distinguish between two types of restrictive agreements: ...
Confidentiality Agreements of Federal Contractor Employees – Changes To The Federal Acquisition Regulations Are Coming SoonBertram, Connie
(a) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements and understandings between the parties (b) Any amendment or supplement to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be signed by...
22、ompleteness,sufficiency,oraccuracyofanyinformationormaterialsprovidedtotheRecipient.ExceptfortheobligationsofthePartiesspecificallysetforthinthisAgreement,neitherPartyshallhaveanyobligationtoenterintoanydiscussionsoragreementswithrespecttoanytransactionrelatedtothePurposeorotherwisehaveanyobligation 23、withrespecttoanysu...
12、only such directors, officers and employees of the Recipient, any of Recipient's Affiliates, and to any of the Recipient's consultants and advisors, who need to know or need to have access to the Confidential Information for the purposes described herein (the “ AppropriatePersonnel ” )....
Confidential Information means all information of the Disclosing Party which is disclosed after the execution hereof in written, graphic, electronic or oral form to Recipient , including, but not limited to, agreements, contracts, analyses, reports, letters, data, financial statements, minutes of ...
commercial agreements, tolling agreements, the Proposed Transaction and financial statements (ii) analyses, studies or other documents prepared by the Receiving Party or any of its Relevant Persons which contain or otherwise reflect such information or any part of it; (iii) information given orally ...
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure agreements are very similar in function, with small differences in the formatting of the resulting document. The distinction between the two is quite subtle. For example a Confidentiality Agreement would be violated if the recipient fails to maintain confidentiality (...
Receiving Party shall maintain appropriate written agreements with its employees, consultants, parent, subsidiaries, affiliates or related parties, who receive, or have access to, Confidential Information sufficient to enable it to comply with the terms of this Agreement. (d) Confidential Information ...