guarded secret-inside information-just between us-nonsensitive-not for publication-not for release-off the record-private-private talk-privy-protected-restricted information-secret-sensitive data-sub rosa-top secret 中文: 机密 同义词:classified,intimate,privy,familiar,private,更多…… ...
Confidential information is sensitive and restricted to certain people, while secret information is intended to be kept hidden from everyone except a select few.
R - Confidential - Restricted Data. Looking for abbreviations of R? It is Confidential - Restricted Data. Confidential - Restricted Data listed as R
Restricted Use of Confidential Information. (a) Each Receiving Party acknowledges the confidential and proprietary nature of the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party and agrees that such C...
CRD - Confidential-Restricted Data. Looking for abbreviations of CRD? It is Confidential-Restricted Data. Confidential-Restricted Data listed as CRD
imparting private matters:a confidential tone of voice. having another's trust or confidence; entrusted with secrets or private affairs:a confidential secretary. Government(of information, a document, etc.) bearing the classificationconfidential,usually being aboverestrictedand belowsecret. ...
aundertaken obligations of confidentiality and restricted use consistent with those imposed on RECIPIENT hereunder and that RECIPIENT shall advise each employee of the confidential nature of the Information and the obligations to be assumed under this Agreement 机密和被制约的用途一致与那些在此之下强加了...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents organic geochemical data and a preliminary interpretation of solid bitumens from three samples from the Eastern Papuan Basin of Papua New Guinea. The samples are from the Aure Scarp within PPL 230. Two are from theSC George...
Our Services are not intended for, directed at, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from, anyone under the age of 13 (or such other age as may be restricted under local law). If we are made aware that we have received such information, or any information in violation of...
entrusted with private or restricted information relating to an owner or ownership behaving as if one owned something or someone (of a product) marketed under and protected by a registered trade name (4).韦伯斯特词典confidentialproprietary Enjoying, or treated with, confidence; trusted in; trustworthy...