为此,Intel 开发了对应的基于硬件的技术来满足市场的需求,比如 Intel虚拟化技术 VT-x(Virtualization Technology),可以让一个物理的 CPU 工作起来像多个 CPU 在并行运行,从而让一台物理服务器内可同时运行多个 Guest,实现虚拟机间的隔离。针对基于硬件的 TEE 解决方案,Intel 公司开发了 Intel® Software Guard Exten...
Intel and Nvidia deliver confidential computing technologies that establish independent TEEs on the CPU and GPU, respectively. For a customer, this presents an attestation challenge, requiring attestation from two different services to gather the evidence needed to verify the trustworthiness of the CPU a...
Intel and Nvidia deliver confidential computing technologies that establish independent TEEs on the CPU and GPU, respectively. For a customer, this presents an attestation challenge, requiring attestation from two different services to gather the evidence needed to verify the trustworthiness o...
为此,Intel 开发了对应的基于硬件的技术来满足市场的需求,比如 Intel 虚拟化技术 VT-x(Virtualization Technology),可以让一个物理的 CPU 工作起来像多个 CPU 在并行运行,从而让一台物理服务器内可同时运行多个 Guest,实现虚拟机间的隔离。针对基于硬件的 TEE 解决方案,Intel 公司开发了Intel® Software Guard Exten...
论文分享:Confidential Computing框架助力隐私保护 本次分享的论文《A Verified Confidential Computing as a Service Framework for Privacy Preservation》来自于usenix2023,由Hongbo Chen等学者共同完成。该论文旨在解决多用户场景中的隐私保护难题,并为此提出了一种名为“被遗忘证明”(Proof of Being Forgotten, PoBF...
Intel 信任域扩展技术 Intel® TDX Intel® TDX 旨在将虚拟机(VM)与平台上的虚拟机管理程序(VMM)和任何其他非信任域Trust Domain (TD) 的软件隔离,以保护 TD VM 免受各种软件的安全威胁。TDX的设计思路是将整个虚拟机VM放在一个TEE可信执行环境里,这样不管应用在私有云还是公有云上,不需要再对应用程序和数...
例如,自2016年以来,已启用可在Intel Xeon CPU平台上启用TEE的Intel SGX(软件保护扩展)技术。在2018年,IBM的IBM CloudHyper Protect Services 和IBM Cloud Data Shield产品普遍提供了机密计算功能。格密链一直致力于数据安全的保护,尤其是通过全同态加密保护数据计算,实现数据分享。
Zero-Trust Confidential Computing About the Author Raghu Yeluri is a Sr. Principal Engineer and lead Security Architect in the Office of the CTO/Security Architecture and Technology group at Intel Corporation with focus on confidential computing, hardware roots of trust,...
Intel is one of the first and foremost players in the confidential computing space. Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) is the most commonly used hardware-based enclave solution for confidential computing. The company also manages Project Amber, a zero-trust confidential computing project, and Inte...
Intel’s innovative and comprehensive approach to confidential computing and confidential AI offers benefits to industries that rely on storing and processing sensitive information, such as healthcare, government, finance, retail and others. With confidential AI, businesses can rapidly process large volumes...