The Economic Intelligence Unit of the UK-based The Economist, and Africa Confidential have in separate reports projected poll victories for the ruling Patriotic Front and incumbent President, Dr Edgar Lungu, in next year's election. This is despite headwinds such as the country's debt crisis ...
to provide for intelligence [...] 雖然廉政公署( 下稱“ 廉署”)確認資訊科 技基礎 設施 計劃( 下稱“ 計劃”)首 二期沒有包括改善廉署的 截 取通訊 系統 ,但涂謹申議員認 為,根據資料 文件附 件1所 載 的時 間表,在計劃第 一期 為機密資料系統增加資料數據加密 功能及...