当然我们会说religious belief(宗教信仰),但belief是中性词,也就是可以信神也可以不信神。faith在拉丁语和中古英语时也对人和神都可以,但随圣经的流行,对神对宗教更多一些。它更侧重“即使在没有证据的情况下,也完全地、毫无疑问地接受某种说法或某种事情”(接近汉语的“迷信”)。faith在日常用语也用,其“...
区别在于belief 倾向于精神上的,faith 倾向于事实上的。belief和faith 都含有“相信、信仰”的意思。belief 指“承认某事是真的, 尽管有或没有确凿的证据”, 倾向于精神上的。faith 指“认为有确凿证据或道理而完全相信”,倾向于事实上的。belief 释义 n.1、an acceptance that a statement is true...
16. The last aspect, the church orphanage set a good example for Jing Dianying to create Jesus Family with a new religious method and to make confidence for him creating religious association. 最后,神召会孤贫院的榜样,为敬奠瀛创办耶稣家庭提供了新的信仰方式、新的传教方式,为他创办教会增加了信心...
Freedom is a cherished American value, a value that is vital because where freedom is enhanced, security also increases. The United States plays an essential leadership role in the world, on issues such as religious freedom and human trafficking. The United States is committed to supporting the ...
Principles are identified on which a balanced, objective evaluation of the role of religious beliefs in adaptation to bereavement must be judged. Subjective impressions by religious persons that their faith has helped them through bereavement are not enough. Examining the precise mechanisms through which...
Paul had a long list of good works and religious pedigree, but he didn’t put any confidence in those things (Philippians 3:3-7). To understand where our confidence comes from, we need to look at the preceding verses in the Hebrews: "Since then we have a great high priest who has ...
con(adj.) "swindling," 1889 (incon man), American English, fromconfidence man(1849), from the many scams in which the victim is induced to hand over money as a token of confidence.Confidencewith a sense of "assurance based on insufficient grounds" dates from 1590s.Con artistis attested ...
18.They built a community based narrowly on their own religious ideals.他们建立起一个严格地以自己的宗教信仰为基础的社区。 相关短句/例句 autonomous trust establishment自主信任建立 1.Secondly,based on the graph theory,this paper defines the rule of trust establishment by the aid of local information...
Faith (4102/pistis) is always agift from God, andneversomething that can be produced by people. In short, 4102/pistis("faith") for the believer is "God'sdivine persuasion" – and therefore distinct from human belief (confidence), yet involving it. The Lord continuouslybirths faithin the ...
Grace , Relevancy , and Confidence in the Future : Why Adventist Young Adults Commit to the church Studied the effects of certain religious understandings on church commitment, as a part of a longitudinal study on religious commitment and its correlates. Data were collected in 1992–93 from 319...