confetti.js is a vanilla JS library for creating a configurable, high-performance confetti falling animation using HTML5 canvas and requestAnimFrame API.
If turned on and the browser supports it, the animation will execute off of the main thread so that it is not blocking any other work your page needs to do. Using this option will also modify the canvas, but more on that directly below -- do read it. If it is not supported by ...
performant confetti animation in the browser. Latest version: 1.6.6, last published: a year ago. Start using @varkaria/canvas-confetti in your project by running `npm i @varkaria/canvas-confetti`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @va
addConfetti() console.log('Confetti animation completed!') // Promise.then jsConfetti.addConfetti() .then(() => console.log('Confetti animation completed!')) How to run locally Install dependencies by Yarn or NPM yarn install Run dev script with website build yarn run dev License MIT...
This is turned off by default, meaning that the animation will always execute on the main thread. If turned on and the browser supports it, the animation will execute off of the main thread so that it is not blocking any other work your page needs to do. Using this option will also ...
Thelife.countparameter instead can be changed as well, but the animation will last for the specified duration,life.counttimes, if thelife.durationis set to0, thelife.countis ignored since its first life will last forever. Sample tsParticles.load({id:"tsparticles",options:{emitters:{life:{durat...
$ cli-confetti --help Usage: cli-confetti [options] Confetti in your terminal. Options: -d, --durationDuration of the animation. Default: forever. -c, --charsCharacters to us 上传者:weixin_42137539时间:2021-05-15 Confetti Confetti