In a series of thirteen books, Saint Augustine displays a profound and searching intellect as he examines his life: his early memories of growing up in Roman North Africa during the fourth century A.D., his disgusted response to his mother’s faith, his agonies and sins as a student, and...
2G. Keith Parker, Baptists in Europe: History and Confessions of Faith (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1982),31. 2 ... abound in Baptist history, most Baptists continue to be proud of their heritage and see disputes as healthy for their growth.
There are a couple of quibbles to be found (one major character gets a 180-degree redemption startlingly quickly), but those looking for a book that explores sexuality, autonomy, and faith while also being a charming romance, would be hard placed to find a better example。 。。。more ...
Creeds, Confessions and The Scriptures (Preface and Article I of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000) 1 I. 3 Versions Historically of the Baptist Faith and Message 1925 â€" Controversy: evolution and the Fundamentalist/Modernist debate. 1963 â€" Controversy: the authority of the Bible. ...
No matter how miserable and absurd his characters' actions and thoughts are, Dick's attitude toward his characters is always, finally, sympathetic--he loves and understands them, his books affirm a faith and affection for humanity, in spite of all our idiocies. The result is somehow comic. ...
It just turns out noise, and the public’s faith in the medical sector makes it appear real. Like Reply ScottRC April 24, 2021 at 2:03 pm That’s been our refrain. But Stephers’ work raises the possibility that the hoaxers created deliberate false dichotomies for the PCR–it’s a...
I need to tell you of a very special talent I have. I have the very unusual and rare ability to find, to ferret out if you will, the blatantly obvious. I mean if it is as plain as the nose on your face, I am going to figure it out. What shocks me is that this ability is ...
Creeds and confessions have been a long standing expression of biblical faith and a tool of the Church tomaintain doctrinal purity. They not only appear early in the post apostolic church, but they are foundnumerously within the pages of the Bible and have always served as a staple of our...
"Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause: Confessions of a Southern Church" by Christopher Alan Graham explores the intersection of race and faith in a prominent Episcopal parish in Richmond, Virginia. The parish, known as the unofficial Church of the Confederacy, has a history of well-meaning intent...
This article explores the apologetic nature of Augustine's Confessions. It first takes a brief look at Augustine's complicated view between the relationship of faith and reason, in order to provide a background to his employment of apologetic elements throughout Confessions. Both positive and ...