《Confessions of a Shopaholic》 很不错的一本小说,以自白的形式给我们带来了一个特别的都市女性Rebecca Bloomwood.主角十分生动十分有代表性,在日常生活中不难发现这类人,但主人公Rebecca的经历却十分跌宕起伏。虽看过同名电影,但小说更耐人寻味,特别是自述性的表述更能让我跟着主角感觉走,为她躲避银行... (展开...
既然被别人称呼为shopaholic 那么就不得不读一下购物狂的自白买了一系列 却只开始读这一本 断断续续 半年 还没有完结唯一的感觉就是 读完就更不想理财了而且非常怀念伦敦 怀念曼城 怀念英伦的阴雨天could I get back sometimes?My sweetest momery still stays there, sigh ......
Confessions of A Shopaholic In New York City, Rebecc a is a charming, fun-loving girl. (A)She is really good at shopping. In fact, she has several credit cards, and is hopelessly addicted to shopping. Now she's drowning in a se a of debt.She dreams of working for her favourite ...
Though the timing on "Confessions of a Shopaholic" couldn't have been worse the idea of reveling in wretched excess when untold thousands are losing their homes, their jobs, their minds there really is no appropriate moment for a shrill onslaught that perpetuates the worst stereotypes about ...
英文片名:Confessions of A Shopaholic 財經雜誌記者麗貝卡,她和最好的朋友蘇西住在一起。活潑的她美麗亮眼又有活力,卻因為購物成癮的緣故,大學畢業後雖已工作了一段時間,不但一分錢也沒存下,反而因為對名牌沒有絲毫抵抗力,瘋狂購物而債臺高築。很諷刺的是,作為財經記者的她,一方面教人如何理財,而另一方面自己又...
Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
> 电影、电视艺术 > 《一个购物狂的自白》英文电影剧本_Confessions_of_a_Shopaholic_Screenplay 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 415阅读文档大小:4.01M122页28上传于2010-12-12格式:PDF 英语电影《一个购物狂的自白》读后感 热度: 一个购物狂的自白 中英对白稿 ...
Adreamyworldfullofperfectthings. 一个充满完美商品的梦幻世界 Aworldwheregrown-upgirlsgotwhattheywanted. 一个成年女子能拥有一切的世界 Theywerebeautiful. 她们太美了 Likefairiesorprincesses. 就像仙女和公主一样 Theydidn'tevenneedanymoney,theyhadmagiccards. 她们甚至不需要钱她们有魔法卡 Iwantedone. 我也想...
confessions of a shopaholic 读音:美英 confessions of a shopaholic基本解释 一个购物狂的自白;购物狂的自白;购物狂的异想世界;潮拜购物狂 分词解释 confessions承认( confession的名词复数 ) shopaholic购物狂
Confessions Of A Shopaholic 表演者: Original Soundtrack 专辑类型: 选集介质: CD 发行时间: 2009-02-17 出版者: Hollywood Records 唱片数: 1 条形码: 0050087130992 其他版本: Confessions Of A Shopaholic - Original Soundtrack (全部) 豆瓣评分 7.5 163人评价 5星 10.3% 4星 58.9% 3星 28.0% 2星 2.8%...