Confessions of A Shopaholic In New York City, Rebecc a is a charming, fun-loving girl. (A)She is really good at shopping. In fact, she has several credit cards, and is hopelessly addicted to shopping. Now she's drowning in a se a of debt.She dreams of working for her favourite ...
Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Confessions of A ShopaholicPG 類型: 喜劇, 愛情, 喜劇 上映中: 沒有上映日資訊。3.0 A childhood memory begins the film, as Rebecca's mother buys her brown shoes that will last forever but aren't fashionable, while other girls get cute fashionable shoes. They laugh at her mundane shoes, and...
Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
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confessions of a shopaholic 读音:美英 confessions of a shopaholic基本解释 一个购物狂的自白;购物狂的自白;购物狂的异想世界;潮拜购物狂 分词解释 confessions承认( confession的名词复数 ) shopaholic购物狂
一个购物狂的亲身经历 对于原著小说的作者索菲·金塞拉而言,这部改编自她同名小说的电影《一个购物狂的自白》,其实正如书名,也是有着她个人经历在其中。对于这个故事,已经写过多本时尚相关书籍的索菲·金塞拉说:“当我写完这本书的时候,很多读者都在猜测,这究竟是不是我个人的经历呢?包括我身边的朋友也来问我,索...
Confessions of a Shopaholic •ConfessionsofaShopaholic leadactor:•IslaFisherasRebeccaBloomwood•ashoppingaddictwholiveswithherbestfriendSuze•SheworksasajournalistforagardeningmagazinebutdreamstojointhefashionmagazineAlette.leadactor:•HughDancyasLukeBrandon•theeditorofSuccessfulSavings•RebeccaBloomwood's...
Confessions of a Shopaholic 作者:[英] Sophie Kinsella 出版社:Bantam Dell 出版年:2003-11 页数:368 定价:GBP 7.99 装帧:Mass Market Paperback ISBN:9780440241416 豆瓣评分 7.9 426人评价 5星 24.4% 4星 44.4% 3星 27.7% 2星 2.8% 1星 0.7%
简介 一个购物狂的自白6.6 喜剧/爱情 - 2009 导演:P·J·霍根 演员:艾拉·菲舍尔/休·丹西 剧情:财经记者丽贝卡一方面教人如何理财,另一方面却又购物成瘾。她的室友决定用爱情来转移丽贝卡的购物瘾,这个方法能行得通吗?财经记者丽贝卡一方面教人如何理财,另一方面却又购物成瘾。她的室友决定用爱情来转移丽贝...查...