澎湃新闻记者:据报道,韩国中央灾难安全对策本部表示,截至26日13时,韩国庆尚道地区森林火灾已造成20人遇难,19人受伤。森林、房屋、寺庙等受损。中方对此有何评论?The Paper: It’s reported that according to the ROK’s Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, as of 1 p.m. March 26, ...
The Paper: We learned that the Chinese embassy in the Netherlands announced China’s accession to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents after China officially deposited the instrument of accession. Could you share with us how this will benefit Chinese na...
Please note that the instructions are intended to give a consistency of style and format. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in your paper being returned and cause a delay in publication. WIT Pres adheres to the highest standards and ensures that all papers are subject to a...
The center-rightcoalition is going to get a solid majority. The leader of Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni, who is expected to be the next Italian Prime Minister, criticized China a few days ago on some kind of policies, for example, the ones related to Taiwan. What are the Chinese expec...
The Paper: A gathering of trade ministers of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) group on May 21 and 22 failed to issue a joint statement after some members introduced the issue of Russia-Ukraine conflict into the meeting. At the Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) Meeting, represen...
The Paper: China just announced that Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang will visit Singapore and chair the China-Singapore bilateral cooperation mechanism meetings. Could you share more information with us?毛宁:中国和新加坡是友好邻邦和重要合作伙伴,去年两国确立了全方位高质量的前瞻性伙伴关系新定位。中新双边...
The GSI has provided strong impetus to uphold global peace and tranquility. China released the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper, and has deepened international cooperation on peacekeeping, counter-terrorism, climate change, disaster relief and the fight against transnational organized crime. Facing...
Example of conference paper evaluationFallis, A.G
The Paper: A poll commissioned by the Japanese Foreign Ministry shows that respondents in ASEAN countries see China as the region’s most important partner in the future. What is China’s comment? 汪文斌:我们一般不对民调结果进行评论。我愿在此重申,中方始终视东盟为周边外交的优先方向,始终坚定支持...
Russia has carefully studied China’s position paper on the political settlement of the Ukraine issue and is open to talks for peace. Russia welcomes China to play a constructive role in this regard.两国元首今天将再次举行会谈,规划未来一个时期中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系新蓝图。 The two Presidents ...