It gives us immense pleasure to invite you to join ICACII - 2023, “International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics”, to be held at one of the most ancient and culturally rich cities of India, Hyderabad, Telangana from 22nd - 23rd December 2023. The conferen...
International Conference on Current Advances in Pharmaceutical Industry and Development conducting in Hyderabad, India during 16th & 17th March, 2023. This conferencewill be welcoming brain storming research papers from across the world in the field of n
Vignana Jyothi Society, Hyderabad, India D. Suresh Babu Vignana Jyothi Society, Hyderabad, India J. S. Rao Vignana Jyothi Society, Hyderabad, India Patrons C. D. Naidu VNRVJIET, Hyderabad, India B. Chennakesava Rao VNRVJIET, Hyderabad, India ...
His deep involvement in the Airflow community includes founding and organizing various Airflow Meetups across the world (London, Bangalore, Hyderabad, etc), including co-organizing the Airflow Summit and fostering global collaboration on Airflow’s roadmap. With a Master’s in Data Science & ...
14th ICMPC, March 2023, GRIET Hyderabad (a) IJIDEM (International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing) (b) AMPT (T&F) (c) AMM (Archives of Metallurgy and Materials) (d) Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier) (e) AIP 13th ICMPC, April 2022, GRIET Hyderabad ...
Chennakesavulu Dara-Esic Medical College Hyderabad, India Sawsan Zaitone-University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia Francesco Petragnano -University of L'Aquila, Italy Estrella Rodriguez-Retired doctor, Spain Irene Fasciani-University of L'Aquila, Italy ...
526 september 2023 Ramkrishna KathareBezoeker Proprietor at Regene BiologicsHyderabad, India 231 Jan 2019 Arya BhanuBezoeker HOD at AietHyderabad, India Formaat there was no event happening at that hotel on that day. u cheated us. u wasted our time. thank u Rapport Nuttig Antwoorden 521 ...
July 9, 2023 admin academic academic conferences in Hyderabad, academic cinference in mumbai, academic coference in mumbai, academic conference i italy, academic conference in assam, academic conference in bangok, academic conference in canada, academic conference in dubai, academic conference in fiji...
In 2005, he founded the first private DNA testing company, Bio Axis DNA Research Centre (P.) Ltd, in Hyderabad, India, in collaboration with a US partner. He has extensive experience training over 1,000 crime investigation officers and has assisted in more than 750 criminal and non-criminal...
National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad Vegetarian nutrition Parenteral nutrition Nutrition Education Nutrition transition Nutrition and HIV/AIDS International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Human nutrition Food pyramid (nutrition) Human Nutrition Research Centre on Aging The Nutrition society Nutritio...