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The Multidimensional Schizotypy Scale (MSS) was developed to capture the three factors underlying schizotypy: positive, disorganized and negative schizotypy. However, a recent validation study reported a four-factor construct with an additional negative social anhedonia factor. The factor structure of the...
197Au Mössbauer Study of Bimetallic Nanoparticles Prepared by Sonochemical Technique: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ICAME 2003) Muscat, Oman, 21 25 September, 2003 (Guest Editors: M. E. Elzain, A. A. Yousif, A. D. Al Raw...
A Comparison Framework for MSSsdoi:10.1109/GLOCOM.2008.ECP.553Paolo ChiniGiovanni GiambeneSatyanarayana Kota
Mssbauer parameters were determined for the tetrahedral (A) and octahedral (B) sites. The PLD processed films gave measurable spectra with no visible evidence of clustering or multiple phases present. Results on the films agreed with those of the bulk material. The films exhibited magnetic ...
Digital image Processing of Landsat MSS data for identifying Geomorphic,Lithological and structural features in Rishikesh-Satpuli area of Garhwal Himalayas,India,Syed Ali
Study on Mssbauer and Magnetic Properties of Strontium—Neodymium Ferrimanganites Perovskite-Like Structuredoi:10.1063/1.3638089Aa YousifIhab Abdel LatifKhalid BouzianeMohamed Elzain
Study of magnetic, Mssbauer and microwave properties of Ba3Co2-x-yZnxCuyFe24O41 hexaferritedoi:10.1063/1.5097090Anita ManhasArun KumarMahavir Singh
Mssbauer study of (Ca,Sr)RuO3 doped with 57FeAlexandre Rykov
Mssbauer study of (Ca,Sr)RuO3 doped with 57FeKiyoshi NomuraRadek ZborilM MashlanI Felner