Jackson Coney Island Jackson is arguably the original site of Coney Islands (depends on who you ask) but one trip downtown and you won't miss this bright yellow corner spot! Located at 615 E. Michigan Ave.,Jackson Coney Island's websiteboasts they are the "Best Coneys in Jackson Which ...
Among a world of festivals that tend to aspire simply towards indifference, the CIFF stands as tall as Coney Islands majestic Parachute Launch acting as a beacon for all those who want more from their festival experience...And yes, there are always the delicious hot dogs to go along with it...
The general feeling I've built up about the Coney Island of today, via numerous articles, stories and reports etc, is that the place isn't in the best state it could be in, that it's kind of dying. Now, you could leave it be with its "perfect, untouchable" charm and watch it...