Bring beef mixture to a simmer, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook, stirring occasionally, until sauce thickens and reduces, about 1 hour. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Dotdash Meredith Food Studios Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Cook hot dogs in boiling water until heat...
When putting the sauce on your hot dog, the dogs must be grilled on a griddle or a cast iron skillet on medium low with a small amount of butter and vegetable oil. Constant turning of dogs is a must and they must never split open. You will be looking for a consistent light brown co...
“According to Edward Abbott, who eighty plus years later is still making the ground meat base for Flint’s coney island sauce, the only meat ingredient is beef heart, regardless of the stories and rumors of other meat parts being used. Abbott’s added some seasoning … The sauce is made ...
Rach shares her recipe for Coney Dogs—hot dogs smothered with homemade Coney sauce, a chili-like topping with Detroit origins.
Detroit Style Coney Dogs consist of a hotdog in a soft bun, topped with no-bean beef chili, yellow mustard and minced white onions.