Coney Island Hot Dogs Directions Gather all ingredients. Dotdash Meredith Food Studios Combine ground beef, water, 1/2 cup diced onion, ketchup, butter, garlic, chili powder, salt, black pepper, cumin, celery salt, and cayenne pepper together in a pot. Mix with a potato masher or spatula o...
Over on herLost Recipes Foundsite, greater-Chicago-area food writer Monica Kass Rogers has posted what she wrote up as the recipe for “Gillie’s Coney Island Chili Dogs“. Her notes on the recipe included the following statement: “Gillie’s Coney Island [circa 1985 in Mt. Morris, Michiga...
A Detroit food staple, the Detroit Coney dates back to Greek immigrants in the early 1900s who passed through New York’s Ellis Island. It was there that the travelers were introduced to the “Coney Island Hot Dog” before heading west to Detroit, MI to put their own spin on the creatio...
Flint is a dry or loose beef topped hotdog with mustard and onion. Detroit-style is a chili topped hot dog also with mustard and onion. However both use Koegel’s Viennas and soft white hotdog buns. At most Coney Islands, you can usually order either. And in Michigan, we have plenty...
Few things make me as happy as a hot dog. Growing up I enjoyed classic New York or Cleveland Stadium dogs with onions, kraut and Bertman Ball Park Mustard. My dad worked for Ford, so our trips to Detroit were frequent and I also fell in love with the chili-topped Detroit Coney. The...
In the case of a Coney Island hot dog, it might be confusion! Al Roker visits Motor City to dive into the history of the Detroit delight (a hot dog topped with spiced chili, onions and mustard) with a New York name and Greek genealogy. He meets the owner of the longest-runnin...
Rach shares her recipe for Coney Dogs—hot dogs smothered with homemade Coney sauce, a chili-like topping with Detroit origins.
chilis. So there you have it, Is a Coney Island Hot Dog actually just a fancy Chili Dog? No. In fact, it's not even a Chili Dog... it is... a variation on a Hot Dog. So Adriana, your first answer, in the form of a question, was correct....