Coney Island是我认为整个纽约最浪漫的约会地点。1867年建成的Luna Park就坐落在海滩、boardwalk旁边。和喜欢的人来这里坐海盗船,过山车🎢、摩天轮🎡,吃康尼热狗、爆米花🍿️。玩儿累了去沙滩上坐一坐,boardwalk吹吹海风,再惬意不过了。很多有心人也是来这里拍复古风格engagement photos。明天和安东去玩儿!希望...
"Without a doubt The Coney Island Film Festival has the greatest location in the world. It also gives out the best trophy I've ever received."Darren Aronofsky (Director Black Swan, The Wrestler, Requiem for a Dream, Pi) "The beach, the boardwalk, great stars, great movies, great filmmake...
(i)ts also been reported that the Plattsburgh origin of the “Michigan” name came from Plattsburgh residents, Jack Rabin and his wife, who discovered the Jackson Coney Island Hot Dog while vacationing in Coney Island, fell in love with it, and subsequently recreated the sauce at Nitzi’s, ...