针对您遇到的“smartaudio a conexant audio device could not be found”问题,我将按照您提供的提示,分点进行解答,并尽可能提供相关的解决步骤,但请注意,由于此问题主要涉及硬件和驱动程序的配置,而非直接的编程问题,因此不会包含代码片段。 确认"smartaudio a conexant audio device"设备是否存在 首先,您需要确认...
确保音频设备的连接是正确的。如果是外部音频设备(如耳机、扬声器等),请确保其插头正确插入到电脑的音频插孔中。如果音频设备是内置的,尝试打开电脑,检查音频设备是否牢固连接在主板上。如果发现连接不良,可以重新插拔一下硬件设备,确保其连接稳定。重新安装音频驱动程序 访问电脑制造商的官方网站或音频设...
SmartAudio: A Conexant audio device could not be found. The application will now exit. Please note that this error message is already showing from the beginning, meaning after a clean windows install. Laptop: L13 (type 20R3, 20R4) Laptops (ThinkPad) - Type 20R3 Kind regards...
The error message may also appear like this:A Conexant audio device could not be found. The application will now exit. There are three methods to fix the problem. You may not have to try them all; just work your way down the list until you find the one that works for you...
SmartAudio error message after startup "A conexant audio device could not be found. The application will now exit." Faild to create Conexant Audio Factory, The smart Audio will now exit CxUtilSvc is running and set to automatic startup type. Was this reply helpful? Yes No Ludek...
SmartAudio error message after startup "A conexant audio device could not be found. The application will now exit." Faild to create Conexant Audio Factory, The smart Audio will now exit CxUtilSvc is running and set to automatic startup type. Was this reply helpful? Yes No Lud...
Win8.1系统中SmartAudio没有声音解决办法: 1、在Win8桌面屏幕左下角的Win徽标处右击鼠标,选择“控制面板”,如下图所示: 2、在控制面板中点击系统和安全—“安装可选更新”—“可用的更新”; 3、在可选更新中找到 Conexant - Audio Device - Conexant SmartAudio HD 更新,勾选并安装; 4、安装成功后,打开“控制...
3.在可选更新中找到 Conexant - Audio Device - Conexant SmartAudio HD 更新,勾选并安装。安装成功之后,打开“控制面板”-“硬件和声音”-SmartAudio,然后在界面中点击向下的箭头,再点“关于”菜单项。 4.这时可以看到版本变成了,高清音频API版本已变为,SmartAudio版本则变成了。升...
为什么要禁用retryer?其实主要是为了Debug,禁用feign retryer有两面性,追妹子一定要retry!!!如果接口...