Theprogram is available through theSchool of Engineering & Technology, which offers a comprehensive suite of programs with a wide range of credentials in areas including architecture, civil, construction, mechanical, energy systems, and electronics. Learn more about Conestoga Coll...
Working closely with the College and Students Association, the facility is re-imagined as a central hub of campus life, where in addition to fitness, students can congregate, find healthy food options, and receive counseling and therapy. The new expansion flips the main entrance to engage the ...
成立于 1967 年的康尼斯托加学院 Conestoga College 坐落于于安大略省滑铁卢地区,距离多伦多市区仅一个小时车程。滑铁卢地区是加拿大著名的科技三角洲,有加拿大硅谷之称;是智能,教育以及创新的枢纽。众多的高新科技企业在此落户,包括谷歌、加拿大应用软件开发公司、D2L、以及原黑莓等公司总部等,过去五年内更有近两千家中小...
成立于 1967 年的康尼斯托加学院 Conestoga College 坐落于于安大略省滑铁卢地区,距离多伦多市区仅一个小时车程。滑铁卢地区是加拿大著名的科技三角洲,有加拿大硅谷之称;是智能,教育以及创新的枢纽。众多的高新科技企业在此落户,包括谷歌、加拿大应用软件开发公司、D2L、以及原黑莓等公司总部等,过去五年内更有近两千家中小...