The conduction system of the heart — structure, function and clinical implications. Edited by R. J. Duma MTP Press Ltd., Lancaster 1977. 368 pages, illustrated, 18.95. ISBN 0‐8391‐0973‐3doi:10.1002/clc.4960020417H.GrazA.GrazTritthart...
Overview of the Cardiac Conduction System The cardiac conduction system is a network of specialized cells responsible for the initiation and co-ordination of the heartbeat. Relative to the myocytes responsible for regulating cardiac contraction in a normal heart (~1 × 109), the cells that make ...
The heart conduction system is made up of cells, nodes, and signals that help your heart to beat. In fact, the cardiac conduction system is responsible for our heart beating around 2.5 billion times during the average human lifespan. The conduction system, also called the cardiac electrical sy...
-conduction system managed by the heart and not controlled by the nervous/endocrine system -consists of non-contractile cardiac cells specialized to initiate and distribute impulses throughout the heart 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 探索生物學的奧妙
The Heart: The heart is a vital organ located between the two lungs in the thorax. The heart's main function is to continuously pump blood through the entire body to supply adequate nutrients and oxygen to all tissues. The heart has its own electrical conduction system in order to ensure ...
The heart has a complex electrical system which regulates the contraction and relaxation of its muscular wall. This enables the heart to function by receiving blood during relaxation and pumping it out with force to the lungs and other parts of the body. The rhythm of the heart beat is contro...
Surgical heart block has assumed a major experimental and clinical position in the overall picture of heart block. Anatomical studies of the conduction system have revealed moderately consistent patterns in various cardiac anomalies, but... HL Gadboys,RS Litwak - 《Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases》...
avoirdupois system see avoirdupois system. behavioral system in the behavioral system model of nursing, the patterned, repetitive, and purposeful behaviors of an individual. cardiovascular system the heart and blood vessels, by which blood is pumped and circulated through the body; see also circulat...
Although many humancongenital heart defectsare accompanied by electrophysiologic abnormalities, relatively little is known about development of thecardiac conductionsystem. Polarity of the vertebrate heart is established early in development, with both the dominant pacemaker activity and the highest beat frequ...
During cardiac development the heart tube loops and is septated into a four-chambered structure. The initial peristaltic contraction of the primitive myocardium is replaced by a system of working myocardium and a myocardial-derived centr... GD Groot,NM Blom,N Aoyama,... - 《Novartis Foundation...