PROBLEMSSolution pathsExploring the problems existing in the process of carrying out an elderly competency assessment aims to provide useful references for its improvement.Starting from the importance of elderly competency assessment in the field of elderly services,this paper analyses the problems in the...
Perform a competency assessment to compare survey results with desired skills. This highlights the team members who are suitable for promotion and identifies those requiring more training. The competency radar report organizes results according to employee profile and presents evaluations from peers, subor...
The survey included the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the PRIME–MD depression screening instrument, and the SF-8 quality of life (QOL) assessment tool, as well as items exploring students' personal engagement in unprofessional conduct, understanding of appropriate relationships with industry, and...
assessmentcompetencyAmicus Curiae participation is a staple of interest group activity in the U.S. Supreme Court. While a reasonably large body of scholarship has accumulated regarding the effectiveness of this method of participation, little attention has been paid to examining the reasons why amicus...