A condominium is a type ownership where certain parts of the property (the units) are owned by individuals, and certain parts (the common elements) are owned in common by the unit owners, all of whom are members of the condominium corporation (the organization responsible for the operation of...
A common interest community is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit owners. Condominium Declaration means the Declaration of Condominium for NetApp RTP Phase I Condominium recorded in Book 012647, Page 01310, Wake County, North Carolina ...
A common interest community is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit owners. Condominium Plan means a plan described in Section 4285. Common Properties means and refer to those areas of land shown on any recorded subdivision plat of The ...
The Board of an Association may make available, install, or operate an electric vehicle charging station or a natural gas fuel station on the common elements or Association property and establish the charges and the manner of payments for the unit owners, residents or guests who use them and ...
around a big plate, generally of rice. These Senegalese people living in Hotel House have not only reorganised and appropriated their home interiors, marking them with elements of their personal and collective identities, they have also transformed their flats into ‘parochial spaces’ for social ...
Prior to a storm, contact vendors to take precautionary measures, such as cutting down at-risk trees, clearing debris, securing common elements, and shuttering windows/doors Plan for water and electric shut-off times and furniture storage
(i.e.,corridors, commonwalls,etc.).Commonareasareusually determinedbydefinitioninthepolicyandby interpretationofthecondominiumassociation bylawsordeclarations. Unitownersformacondominiumassociationto managethecondominiumandalsotoforman entitythatcanownthecommonelements.The associationownsthecondominiumbuilding(s)and ...
the real estate are designated for separate ownership and the remainder of the real estate is designated for common ownership solely by the owners of those portions. A common interest community is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit ...
For those amenities that are not common elements of the Condominium, Owners have easement rights for the use of such amenities pursuant to the Master Declaration and are required to pay their proportionate share of maintaining such facilities pursuant to and as set forth in the Resort Documents. ...
Define Condominium Management Agreement. means any management agreement entered into by the Condominium Board with respect to the management of the Common Elements.