consideration, and a letter of condolence would be issued by the House Committee to the relevant security staff. 內務委員會主席總結討論時表示,有 關保安人員的人手編制和培訓需要等事宜會轉 交行政管理委員會考慮,而內務委員 會 將致函 有關保安人員,以表慰問。 In order ...
death of a friend or relativeOffer sympathy for the death of a person who has been illOffer sympathy for the loss of a jobOffer sympathy for the loss or death of a petOffer sympathy in a case of serious or terminal illnessSend a gift with a sympathy letterThank someone for expressions ...
consideration, andaletter of condolencewould be issued by the House Committee to the relevant security staff. 內務委員會主席總結討論時表示,有 關保安人員的人手編制和培訓需要等事宜會轉 交行政管理委員會考慮,而內務委員會將致函有關保安人員,以表慰問。