A hallmark in POLS hypothesis is that life history trade-offs (survivalvsreproduction) explain why consistent among-individual variation in behaviour and physiology is maintained within animal populations (“state-dependent personality”)1,3,57. The independent evolution of correlated traits should then ...
Century ReviewBiogeochemical Cycles in Mangrove ForestsBiomarkers of Stress Response in Aquatic LifeClimate Change and Coral Reefs EcosystemsClimate Change and Harmful Algal BloomsClimate Change, Coasts and Coastal RiskCoastal Development, Vulnerability Assessment and Engineering SolutionsCoastal Flood Risk ...
At the same time, these conditions could drive the rise to dominance of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria, in turn affecting trophic processes, by favouring microbial consumers over metazoans. Although much of the research on ecological responses to environmental drivers in TWs has focused on ...