Vous gagnerez des Points de récompense et des Points Status sur le pass Fréquent et Premium, et sur les billets achetés via ces pass. Vous ne gagnerez pas de Points de récompense ou de Points Status pour les Billets récompenses, les billets gagnés par le biais de concours, ou les...
The requirements to achieve and maintain the Classique, Avantage, Carte Blanche, or Étoile Club Levels are set out on eurostar.com. 3.2. You will be moved to a lower Club Level at the beginning of a new Membership Year if, during the previous Membership Year, you have not met the ...
The requirements to achieve and maintain the Classique, Avantage, Carte Blanche, or Étoile Club Levels are set out on eurostar.com. 3.2. You will be moved to a lower Club Level at the beginning of a new Membership Year if, during the previous Membership Year, you have not met the ...
The requirements to achieve and maintain the Classique, Avantage, Carte Blanche, or Étoile Club Levels are set out on eurostar.com. 3.2. You will be moved to a lower Club Level at the beginning of a new Membership Year if, during the previous Membership Year, you have not met the ...