一、背景介绍: 函数指针始终不太灵活,它只能指向全局或静态函数,对于类成员函数、lambda表达式或其他可...
Poco中的Event,是对C++11中mutex和conditional_variable做了一层封装,是它具有“Event”的概念。 Event应该有信号量机制,具有等待信号和set信号的行为。 所以看Poco的源码,可以看到对应的接口实现。 Event的内部成员: private:Event(constEvent&);Event&operator=(constEvent&);boolwaitImpl(longmilliseconds);std::ato...
condition_variable实现就可以使用其关于 unique_lock和 mutex的stdlibrary实现的内部知识来执行执行其功能的最有效方式。例如。 libstdc++ 的实现包含这个金块: pthread_cond_clockwait(&_M_cond, __lock.mutex()->native_handle(), //< go right into guts of that unique_lock AND mutex CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &_...
Hi everyone, I've been wanting to make a simple conditional branch where I would check if a variable is even or odd. At first I was thinking it wouldn't have been a big deal, as I could simply check if the variable can be divided by 2 and check the result. Then I realized there...
V1089. Waiting on condition variable without predicate. A thread can wait indefinitely or experience a spurious wake-up. V1090. The 'std::uncaught_exception' function is deprecated since C++17 and is removed in C++20. Consider replacing this function with 'std::uncaught_exceptions'. V1091. Th...
V1089. Waiting on condition variable without predicate. A thread can wait indefinitely or experience a spurious wake-up. V1090. The 'std::uncaught_exception' function is deprecated since C++17 and is removed in C++20. Consider replacing this function with 'std::uncaught_exceptions'. V1091. Th...
Conditional Independence refers to the situation where a variable is independent of another set of variables given a specific set of variables. This means that knowing one set of variables provides no additional information about the variable in question when the other set is already known. ...
A density for a random variable that is the ratio of a joint density for two random variables to the marginal density for one. For example, f(A∣B)=f(A, B)/f(B). Often simply called conditional density. A probability density function that assigns probabilities to a set of random varia...
V1089. Waiting on condition variable without predicate. A thread can wait indefinitely or experience a spurious wake-up. V1090. The 'std::uncaught_exception' function is deprecated since C++17 and is removed in C++20. Consider replacing this function with 'std::uncaught_exceptions'. V1091. Th...