subject pronoun + verbestar(to be) in simple present tense +teniendo(present progressive tense oftener) So you need to take care of three things: the subject pronoun the conjugation ofestar the addition ofteniendo. Take a look at the table: ...
"Avoir" in French."If I had" and then the conditional tense. 所以,这里,我们有:"If I had",这是 "have" 的一般过去时,对吧,法语里的"Avoir"。"If I had" 之后是条件句的时态。 And here, we're looking at sort of: "could", "would", "should", plus your verb in the infinitive. 而...
Ch 11.AR Verbs in Spanish: Present Tense... Ch 12.ER and IR Verbs in Spanish: Present... Ch 13.Pastimes in Spanish Ch 14.Technology in Spanish Ch 15.Talking About Family Members in... Ch 16.Shopping in Spanish Ch 17.Discussing the Past in Spanish ...
"Avoir" in French."If I had" and then the conditional tense. 所以,这里,我们有:"If I had",这是 "have" 的一般过去时,对吧,法语里的"Avoir"。"If I had" 之后是条件句的时态。 And here, we're looking at sort of: "could", "would", "should", plus your verb in the infinitive. 而...