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Motion artefacts caused by the patient’s body movements affect magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) accuracy. This study aimed to compare and evaluate the accuracy of motion artefacts correction using a conditional generative adversarial network (CGAN) with
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生成对抗网络 (Generative Adversarial Net (GAN)) [1] 通常由一个生成网络(generator) G 和一个判别网络(discriminator) D 组成。生成网络 G 从潜在空间(latent space)进行随机采样作为输入,输出结果需要尽可能接近训练数据集的样本 X;判别网络则通过读取训练数据集的样本或生成网络的输出结果,分辨该数据的真假 [...
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Mirza, M., Osindero, S.: Conditional generative adversarial nets. arXiv: 1411.1784 Ledig, C., Theis, L., et al.: Photo-realistic single image super-resolution using a generative adversarial network. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (2017) Google Scholar ...
He has published more than 20 scientific papers in high quality journals and international conferences indexed in Clarivate Analytics JCR, Scopus, WoS, IEEExplore, and other scientific databases, as well as in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. He has also published 3 books in domains of...