Now for this field on my table visual I have the following conditional formatting for Background Color: However all the backgrounds are green, when some have values of 93%(which should be yellow) and 151%(which should be red). Solved! Go to Solution. Labels: Show and Tell Message 1 ...
my routine is working and generating excel file. i need to add conditional formatting for few cell. the condition would be if cell value is not empty and not 0 then cell background color will be red. i did it this way which is not working properly....
string _statement = "=AND($" + address + "<>\"\",$" + address + "<>0)"; var _cond = worksheet.ConditionalFormatting.AddExpression(worksheet.Cells[row, col]); _cond.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid; _cond.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red...
I've set up up some RAG conditional formatting, which seems to work fine. However, I now want to change it, so that where column G reads "Filled" or "Archived / Not Required", it is excluded from the conditional formatting, i.e. the date in column I remains unfilled with colour. I...
I am trying to use conditional formatting and it is not working properly. I need the cells that are 74 or below to show a red icon and 75 and above showing a green icon. I am still getting red icons ...Show More excel Like 0 Reply ...
After applying the conditional formatting the color will be changed for the records which are checked in the check box field.Dynamic FormattingThe cells can be formatted dynamically based on the given condition by using the QueryCellStyleInfo event. The appearance of the cells can be changed ...
Applying conditional formatting to your app can enhance the user experience. Remember, each control has slightly different properties, which means that the conditional formatting for one control might not be the same for another. Examples of how you can use conditional formatting include setting ...
Example 2. Customizing the Bar Graph Color with Conditional Formatting to Display Deviation of Data Steps: To calculate the average mark, mergeD5:D16. Click the cell and enter the formula below. PressEnter. =ROUND(AVERAGE(C5:C16),0)
This will assign the background color to Orange when the value is great than 20. With this code, we don't have to write extra code to monitor when the value is changed, and change the color again.
Click theFormatbutton and choose the fill color you want. ClickOKtwice to close both windows. As a result, conditional formatting highlights a whole row if a cell in a specific column is empty. Highlight row if cell is not blank