loader: 'js-conditional-compile-loader', options: { isDebug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', // optional, this expression is default envTest: process.env.ENV_CONFIG === 'test', // any prop name you want, used for /* IFTRUE_evnTest ...js code... FITRUE_evnTest *...
module:{rules:[{test:/\.tsx?$/i,use:[{loader:'ts-loader',options:{configFile:path.resolve(__dirname,'../tslint.json')},},// 引入js-conditional-compile-loader插件{loader:'js-conditional-compile-loader',options:{isDebug:process.env.NODE_ENV==='development',// optional, this is default...
js-conditional-compile-loader是一个webpack的loader插件,它支持js等各种代码文件(只要是文本文件都可以用,如javascript的js文件、typescript的ts文件、vue文件、css、scss、less文件等等),只需在webpack的rules针对文件类型把它作为最先加载的loader即可。可参考:此配置 它会在webpack处理各种代码文件之前,将代码内容根...
关键在两个配置, loader 填写js-conditional-compile-loader; 在options添加条件编译项, 比如设置WEBAPP:true, 那么在TypeScript 使用/IFTRUE_WEBAPP ...js code... FITRUE_WEBAPP/ 包括的代码就可以条件编译。 // 以下的代码仅会在设置WEBAPP:true时才会条件编译/*IFTRUE_WEBAPP*/letwebfetch =Fetch.getFetchTo...
关键在两个配置, loader 填写js-conditional-compile-loader; 在options添加条件编译项, 比如设置WEBAPP:true, 那么在TypeScript 使用/IFTRUE_WEBAPP ...js code... FITRUE_WEBAPP/ 包括的代码就可以条件编译。 代码语言:txt 复制 // 以下的代码仅会在设置WEBAPP:true时才会条件编译 ...
由于js-conditional-compile-loader 只能条件编译js 代码代码,若直接编译TypeScript 是会出错的,故我们需要使用ts-loader 将TypeScript 转成JavaScript 代码, 再使用js-conditional-compile-loader条件编译即可,这样可以打包出平台相关的sdk.js 给客户端使用。
However, js-conditional-compile-loader does not seem to be working there. Can you help me please? Owner hzsrc commented on Nov 20, 2021 You can use it in any file. About html files, you can set up a rule in webpack rules for .html file use this loader: { test: /\.html$...
conditional-compile-loader conditional-compile-loader 根据设定的参数对 vue、js、jsx 和 css(less, sass 等) 代码进行条件编译。 安装 先安装 conditional-compile-loader npm install -D conditional-compile-loader # or yarn add -D conditional-compile-loader 规则说明 条件编译写法 说明 #ifdef APP-PLUS 需...
Compile CompiledHelpFile CompleteWord CompletionMode ComplexProperty 组件 ComponentDiagram ComponentFile CompositeTask 组合 COMPrivate ComputedColumn ComputedColumnDisabled ComputedColumnError ComputedColumnWarning Computer ComputerService COMWarning ConditionalLoop ConditionalRule ConditionalRuleIfThen ConePreview Configurat...
What I'm trying to achieve here is when a responder selects option 1, a new section of questions appears for them to fill out. If more than 1 option is selected, then a set of questions should appear for each response (but should not be shown if the option is not...