One problem in flamelet modeling of turbulent non-premixed flames is that of formulating a scalar dissipation rate-mixture fraction joint probability density function (pdf). While the individual flamelet calculation provides a conditional scalar dissipation rate, the turbulent flame calculation provides a ...
A constant that ensures that a probability density function is proper, that is, that it integrates to 1. probability density function (pdf) A function that assigns probabilities to random variables in a continuous parameter space. A function that assigns probabilities on a discrete parameter space ...
Werner Dubitzky (1) Olaf Wolkenhauer (2) Kwang-Hyun Cho (3) Hiroki Yokota (4) Editor Affiliations 1. Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, University of Ulster 2. Department of Computer Science, University of Rostock 3. Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, Korea Advanced Institut...
Authors Sun-Hyun Youn (1) Author Affiliations 1. Department of Physics, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, 500-757, Korea Continue reading... To view the rest of this content please follow the download PDF link above.Over 8.5 million scientific documents at your fingertips Browse by Discip...
2, there is provided a block diagram 30 of an exemplary system for providing conditional stream access. A content owner 12, such as a musician, a movie studio, a game studio, a software developer, or the like, creates a media content for distribution. The content may be created as a ...
View PDF Download full issue Search ScienceDirect Outline Highlights Abstract Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Background and related work 3. Method 4. Results 5. Discussion 6. Conclusions 7. Future work Declaration of competing interest Acknowledgments Data availability ReferencesShow full outline Cited by...
36. The conditionally active binding protein of claim 35, wherein the bulk serum protein is albumin, transferrin, IgG1, IgG2, IgG4, IgG3, IgA monomer, Factor XIII, Fibrinogen, IgE, or pentameric IgM. 37. (canceled) 38. (canceled) 39. The conditionally active binding protein of claim...
Andrew R. Dean, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. S. Schneider, R. L. Thompson, J. Hart, and P. D. Bothwell Poster PDF (900.8 kB) The SPC maintains a database of environmental parameters associated with severe convection. These parameters are archived from hourly SPC ...
Ocone D (1988) Probability densities for conditional statistics in the cubic sensor problem. Math Control Signals Syst 1(2):183–202 MathSciNet MATHProbability densities for conditional statistics in the cubic sensor problem - Ocone - 1988 () Citation Context ...and h(x) have linear growths....
Let (X1, X2) be a symmetric [alpha]-stable random vector with 0doi:10.1016/0304-4149(94)00053-VRenata Cioczek-GeorgesMurad S. TaqquRePEcStochastic Processes and their ApplicationsCioczek-Georges, R. and Taqqu, M. S. (1994b). Necessary conditions for the existence of con- ditional ...