Condition exclusion indicator可以设置在condition type或者condition record; 五,凭证中手动修改价格Changing Price Manually in Documents 在条件记录中,你可以定义手动修改的限制范围; 除了自动确定,在销售凭证中也可手动输入condition,它们会标记为已经手动输入; 也可以通过配置,禁止手动修改某个condition type; 六,凭证头...
by SAP PRESS The condition technique is the most widely used and adaptable methodology used by SAP to assist consultants in configuring complex business rules. These rules are related to pricing determination, output determination, text determination, revenue account determination, and so on. This is...
Condition exclusion indicator可以设置在condition type或者condition record; 五,凭证中手动修改价格Changing Price Manually in Documents 在条件记录中,你可以定义手动修改的限制范围; 除了自动确定,在销售凭证中也可手动输入condition,它们会标记为已经手动输入; 也可以通过配置,禁止手动修改某个condition type; 六,凭证头...
Condition exclusion indicator可以设置在condition type或者condition record; 五,凭证中手动修改价格Changing Price Manually in Documents 在条件记录中,你可以定义手动修改的限制范围; 除了自动确定,在销售凭证中也可手动输入condition,它们会标记为已经手动输入; 也可以通过配置,禁止手动修改某个condition type; 六,凭证头...
简介:SAP SD 基础知识之定价中的条件技术(Condition Technique in Pricing) 一,定价程序Pricing Procedure 所有定价中允许的条件类型都包含在定价程序中; 通过为每个条件定义requirements来决定系统将如何使用条件; 业务凭证中系统访问条件的次序也在这里确定;
SAP SD基础知识之定价中的条件技术(Condition Technique in Pricing) 一,定价程序Pricing Procedure 所有定价中允许的条件类型都包含在定价程序中; 通过为每个条件定义requirements来决定系统将如何使用条件; 业务凭证中系统访问条件的次序也在这里确定; 定价程序能够包含介于Gross和Net price之间任意数量的分组求和; ...
SAP SD 基礎知識之定價中的條件技術(Condition Technique in Pricing) 一,定價程式Pricing Procedure 所有定價中允許的條件型別都包含在定價程式中; 通過為每個條件定義requirements來決定系統將如何使用條件; 業務憑證中系統訪問條件的次序也在這裡確定; 定價程式能夠包含介於Gross和Net price之間任意數量的分組求和; ...
SD-细说SAP条件技术Condition Technique 34567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930311234 56789
The condition technique is used to determine the purchase price by systematic consideration of all the relevant pricing elements. A feature of the technique is the formulation of rules and requirements. By applying conditions defined by means of the condition technique, the system arrives at a sugge...