9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook medical condition Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia medical condition A disease, illness or injury; any physiologic, mental or psychological condition or disorder (e.g., orthopaedic; visual, speech or hearing impairmen...
, meaning that the shorter lifespan of parasites did not result in mussels losing all parasites before the last dissections even at the highest temperatures. While the experiment revealed temperature and infection effects on mussel hosts, we acknowledge some limitations resulting from the specific ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook medical condition Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia medical condition Adisease,illnessorinjury;anyphysiologic,mentalorpsychologicalconditionordisorder(e.g.,orthopaedic;visual,speechorhearingimpairments;cerebralpalsy;epilepsy;muscular...
The above symbols and associated time for a single-arm MCT are summarized in Table I. I Table I Symbols and Associated Time for a Single-Arm MCT Symbol Meaning λi Time spent by a robot to finish loading/unloading a wafer into/from a PC, i∈ N+KN+K μi Robot moving time between ...
Python has a built-in functionallthat returnsTrueif all items aretruthy >>>all(['hello, 'there'])True>>>all(['hello, 'there', ''])False>>>all([1,2,3])True>>>all([0,1,2,3])False You can think oftruthyas meaning non-empty or non-zero. For our purposes, we’ll treat it...
The conservation Spectral–Lagrangian scheme secures that after 800 mean free times, the value of ϵ < 0.05 in the relation (54), meaning that the relative proportion of negative energy is very small, and so the solutions keeps essentially positive, and so stabilizes the scheme. Sign in to...
In those with post–COVID-19 condition, cognitive symptoms were associated with greater levels of depressive symptoms, greater reported functional impairment, and lesser likelihood of full-time employment. Meaning The findings of this study suggest that self-reported cognitive symptoms are prevalent in ...
A problem is said to bewell conditionedif the condition number is small andill conditionedif the condition number is large. The meaning of “small” and “large” depends on the problem and the context. This diagram illustrates a well-conditioned function ...
Since the terms essential and natural boundary do not describe the physical meaning of the problem, it is actually a mathematical term, and they are also used for problems other than in mechanics. With a well defined set of equilibrium equations with a body force, displacement, and force ...
True positive (TP) represents the number of insulator tests that have been properly classified using the indicators to have pollution, meaning they have the pollution. True negative (TN) represents the number of correctly classified insulator tests using the indicators as clean and it in fact is ...