Branch condition coverage: 分支条件覆盖率 Branch coverage: 分支覆盖率 ...|基于4个网页 3. 分支前提覆盖 软件测试相干的英语词汇,上海软件开发... ... branch condition coverage: 分支前提覆盖 branch condition testing: 分支前提测 …|基于1 个网页...
branch统计的是模块内if...else...分支的覆盖情况。 assert统计的是模块内的assertion。
分支-条件覆盖率:(Branch Condition Coverage)也叫判定条件覆盖(Decision Condition Coverage),它的含义是,在测试时运
First, amplification-vs-slope and amplification-vs-bedrock depth relationships are estimated for each lithogroup (see Fig.5a, b as example for LG3); in these correlations, both dependent and independent variables are represented in logarithmic scale, following—among others—Perron et al. (2022a,...
Não estamos mais atualizando este conteúdo regularmente. Confira oCiclo de Vida do Produto da Microsoftpara obter informações sobre o suporte deste produto, serviço, tecnologia ou API. Versão recomendada
Analysis of UFIA tree data at the census tract and ZCTA levels was not possible due to insufficient coverage of the UFIA plots. The urban centers in these areas typically consist of only one or two counties, and the total number of counties was insufficient for analytical purposes. As such,...
I gave everything v3, but > most patches have just a no-conflict rebase vs. v2. The exceptions are > inplace031-inj-wait-event (implements the holding from that branch of the > thread) and inplace050-tests-inj (updated to cooperate with inplace031). Much > of inplace031-inj-wait...
calldispositioncategory use by branch steps. emailengagement used by listenerbranch steps. ruleconditionname type string properties create, filter, group, sort, update description the name of the rule condition. every rule condition in a cadence must have a unique name...
Risk Mitigation To monitor the reputational risk management activities, EH SA has implemented several methods that allow EH SA to benefit from: Media coverage regarding Euler Hermes at different level (Monthly Media Monitoring); Summary of current EH media issues that might...
The decision frame was broad in scope to avoid an assessment based solely on the extent/availability of knowledge at the expense of coverage of the intrinsic assets and values of the marine environment that included matters important in both ecosystem structure and function. To accept a variety of...