At the bottom is the code I found that has both a read all windows and a write event value. I just located it and ran it one time to make sure it did something useful and not crash. I thought it would be good to go ahead and post this right away since you're actively looking a...
Warranty:180days;Lead Time:stock;Date code:20+;Packaging:Standard Exportation Packing;Shipping by:DHL\UPS\Fedex\EMS\HK Post;Condition:100% Original Brand;Package:100% Original Packaging;MOQ:1 Piece;Delivery time:3-5 Days;Shipping term:TNT DHL FEDEX EMS U
(id is null and id is not null) condition returns one row when it should return none.How to repeat:The first SELECT statement returns the just-inserted row, even though the supplied condition should always evaluate to FALSE. From that on, repeating the SELECT statements appear to work ok:...
Memorandum item 6 is to b e completed b y b anks that (1) together with affiliated institutions, have outstanding credit card receivab les (as defined in the instructions) that exceed $500 million as of the report date or (2) are credit card specialty b anks as defined for UBPR ...
Several loading cases were imposed on the experimental test rig and diagnosed remotely using virtual network computing. It was found that remote AMB condition monitoring is feasible for less than USD 100. Keywords: Active Magnetic Bearing; AMB; Internet of Things; IoT; Condition Monitoring 1. ...