[单词] condescend 美/ˌkɑːndɪˈsend/ If someone condescends to do something, they agree to do it, but in a way which shows that they think they are better than other people and should not have to do...
1.to act graciously towards another or others regarded as being on a lower level; behave patronizingly 2.to do something that one regards as below one's dignity [C14: from Church Latincondēscendereto stoop, condescend, from Latindēscendereto descend] ...
[transitive]condescend to do something(often disapproving)to do something that you think it is below your social or professional position to dosynonymdeign We had to wait almost an hour before he condescended to see us. Take your English to the next level ...
[transitive] condescend to do something (often disapproving) to do something that you think it is below your social or professional position to do synonym deign We had to wait almost an hour before he condescended to see us. Take your English to the next level The Oxford Learner’s The...