关于condaerror: unable to create prefix directory的错误,通常是由于权限不足或路径问题导致的。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 检查用户权限: 确保你有足够的权限在指定的目录下创建新目录。如果你是在Windows系统上,可以尝试以管理员身份运行PyCharm或命令行工具。 确认目录路径: 检查conda指定的前缀目录路径是否...
# condaerror unable to create prefix directory check that you have sufficient permissions 安装完成以后,直接用pycharm新建项目及环境,可能会提示“新建环境时权限不够”。 这是因为新建的环境路径默认在An…
我安装了miniconda并创建了一个环境: conda create --prefix /path/to/a/directory/Python36 python=3.6 然后我试着激活它: conda activate /path/to/a/directory/Python36 但是我得到了这个错误信息: CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'. To initialize ...
Setting the following options doesnotwork on Linux Ubuntu 16.04, conda will install some packages into the supplied prefix but eventually try to install into the miniconda base installation directory and fail. installOptions: '--prefix $(Agent.WorkFolder)/tmp' createOptions: '--prefix $(Agent.Wo...
I have made my best effort to recreate your issue but was unable to. At this point, I will leave this issue open in the hopes that other people stumble upon it if they are also having this problem. If more and more people begin reporting this issue, we will take it seriously and ...