envs_dirs是conda用于指定环境(environments)存储位置的配置选项。通过配置envs_dirs,你可以自定义conda环境的存放目录,这在管理多个项目或需要在不同位置存储环境时非常有用。 1. 理解conda配置envs_dirs的目的 配置envs_dirs的主要目的是允许用户自定义conda环境的存储路径。默认情况下,conda环境存储在用户主目录下的...
I've seen some other issues with envs_dirs mentioned but they seem to address something slightly different. My setup: running anaconda3/4.3.1 with conda/4.3.14. This is installed to a central readable but not writable directory. I want t...
https://github.com/conda/conda/blob/master/conda/base/context.py#L228 conda.base.context @property def envs_dirs(self): return tuple(abspath(expanduser(p)) for p in concatv(self._envs_dirs, (join(self.root_dir, 'envs'), ) if self.root_writable else ('~/.conda/envs', join(se...
ping @kalefranz I'm not sure if the new behavior of envs_dirs and package dirs is desired behavior, but if its not here is a fix. For the record, I really, really, really hope it is not desired beh...