# 环境名字为 transcriptome # 环境中安装 samtools multiqc rseqc conda create -n transcriptome samtools multiqc rseqc # 如果还想继续安装 conda install -n transcriptome fastqc salmon star stringtie sra-tools trimmomatic rmats rmats2sashimiplot # 启动新环境 source activate transcriptome salmon -h # 默认安...
# 环境名字为 transcriptome # 环境中安装 samtools multiqc rseqc conda create -n transcriptome samtools multiqc rseqc # 如果还想继续安装 conda install -n transcriptome fastqc salmon star stringtie sra-tools trimmomatic rmats rmats2sashimiplot # 启动新环境 source activate transcriptome salmon -h # 默认安...
#环境名字为transcriptome #环境中安装samtoolsmultiqcrseqc condacreate-ntranscriptomesamtoolsmultiqcrseqc #如果还想继续安装 condainstall-ntranscriptomefastqcsalmonstarstringtiesra-toolstrimmomaticrmatsrmats2sashimiplot #启动新环境 sourceactivatetranscriptome salmon-h #默认安装到了anaconda_path下面的envs/transcriptome目...
# 环境名字为 transcriptome # 环境中安装 samtools multiqc rseqc conda create -n transcriptome samtools multiqc rseqc # 如果还想继续安装 conda install -n transcriptome fastqc salmon star stringtie sra-tools trimmomatic rmats rmats2sashimiplot # 启动新环境 source activate transcriptome salmon -h # 默认安...
conda create-n transcriptome samtools multiqc rseqc # 如果还想继续安装 conda install-n transcriptome fastqc salmon star stringtie sra-tools trimmomatic rmats rmats2sashimiplot # 启动新环境 source activate transcriptome salmon-h # 默认安装到了anaconda_path下面的envs/transcriptome目录下(在屏幕输出也会有显...
PR checklist This comment contains a description of changes (with reason). If you've fixed a bug or added code that should be tested, add tests! If you've added a new tool - have you followed t...
Done to resolve CI errors like: > Caused by: > java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException caused by un-named Conda envs? @maxulysse maybe you can just clarify here for our future sel...
001、系统 root@DESKTOP-IDT9S0E:~#lsb_release -aNo LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu20.04.5LTS Release:20.04Codename: focal 02、使用conda 安装 hisat2软件 conda install -c bioconda hisat2## 等待安装完成 ...
我只能在设置了channel_priority: strict的情况下重新创建此问题。但是,对于osx-64和linux-64,使用...
Checklist I added a descriptive title I searched for other issues and couldn't find a solution or duplication I already searched in Google and didn't find any good information or help I looked at the docs and didn't see anything to help ...