接下来,你可以使用conda env list命令来查看所有已创建的虚拟环境及其路径。这将帮助你找到要删除的虚拟环境的确切名称和路径。 一旦你找到了要删除的虚拟环境的路径,你可以使用conda env remove -p /path/to/your/environment命令来删除它。请确保将/path/to/your/environment替换为你要删除的虚拟环境的实际路径。
Remove a list of packages from a specified conda environment. This command will also remove any package that depends on any of the specified packages as well---unless a replacement can be found without that dependency. If you wish to skip this dependency checking and remove just the requested ...
conda参数 conda--help positional arguments:cleanRemoveunused packages and caches.configModifyconfiguration valuesin.condarc.Thisismodeled after the git config command.Writesto the user.condarc file(/home/cheng/.condarc)bydefault.createCreateanewconda environmentfroma list of specified packages.helpDisplaysa...
$ conda list to see all the packages that are available, use: $ conda search and to install a package, use $ conda install<package-name> The real power of conda comes from its ability to manage environments. In conda, an environment can be thought of as a completely separate installation...
clean Remove unused packages and caches. config Modify configuration values in.condarc.Thisis modeled after the git config command.Writes to the user .condarc file (/root/.condarc)bydefault. create Create a new conda environment from a list of specified ...
conda remove/uninstall PACKAGE_NAMEremove和uninstall都可以 conda remove pandas4、环境environment管理 查看已经存在的环境 以下三种方法均可以。 conda info -e conda info --envs conda env list创建环境 conda create --name ENVNAME python=3.6 conda create -y -n python2.7 python=2.7.7 ...
conda remove --name ENVIRONMENT --all 比如:删除前面创建的 test 环境 conda remove --nametest--all 查询所有环境的列表,看是否删除成功: # conda environments:#base * /usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base 发现已经成功删除,只剩下 base 环境。
conda env create -f environment.yml # 创建保存的虚拟环境 十、源服务器管理 conda当前的源设置在$HOME/.condarc中,可通过文本查看器查看或者使用命令>conda config --show-sources查看。 conda config --show-sources #查看当前使用源 conda config --remove channels 源名称或链接 #删除指定源 ...
$ conda env remove -n live_env 1. 3. 操作软件包 查看某环境下的软件包列表: $ conda list -n test_env # packages in environment at //anaconda/envs/test_env: # Using Anaconda Cloud api site https://api.anaconda.org blas 1.1 openblas conda-forge ...
导出环境:conda env export > environment.yml 导入环境:conda env create -f environment.yml 移除环境:conda env remove --name myenv 包管理: 安装包:conda install packagename 指定版本安装包:conda install packagename=1.2.3 安装多个包:conda install packagename1 packagename2 ...