I visited the URL in that message. My guess is PowerShell has a policy of not allowing scripts to run which I take it to mean including scripts to activate Python environments. FWIW, I do not have admin rights to my work machine. So per that Microsoft reference, I can't change the e...
I've been attempting to deal with this issue all evening. I'm attempting to run code in the VSCode terminal and get the "Your shell has not been properly configured..." I'd like to try some of these solutions but I have no idea what "nameoftheenvironment", "my_env", "<your_envir...
How do I enable conda environment in powershell? The 'conda activate' command is not working due to incorrect shell configuration, causing a CommandNotFoundError Solution 1: The solution can be found on the following link: https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/7980. source ~/anaconda3/etc/...
关闭powershell 7,重新打开,效果如下: 5、一些设置 (1)更改启动powershell 7的默认目录,修改$PROFILE文件(如果安装了VS code,可以使用code $PROFILE)。 set-location C:\自己的路径 (2)更新powershell 7,在powershell 7中输入以下命令。注意开始安装后关掉所有打开的powershell 7。 iex"& {$(irm https://aka...
python、shell、subprocess、conda : Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.Out[10]: CompletedProcess(args='conda activate test', returncode=1) In [2]: subprocess.run("$CONDA_PREFIX/etc/pro 浏览5提问于2020-05-13得票数 0 1回答 issue语句发出powershell脚本 windows...
为了让Conda环境在VS Code PowerShell终端上工作,我做了很多事情,到目前为止,无论我是否使用Anaconda启动器启动它,Conda都可以在VS Code终端上正确地激活。但是,当尝试通过Code Runner运行程序时,总是显示错误,即找不到torch模块。 但在终端中做同样的事情,或者通过Anaconda launcher启动VS代码,效果都很好。 我不知道...
Macos - conda activate command not working on mac, The conda activate function is a shell function that is typically defined in the initialization file for a shell when the session starts (e.g., in the .bash_profile ). The conda init function merely adds code to such initialization files,...
CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate‘.,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
CommandNotFoundError: Yourshellhasnot been properly configuredtouse'conda activate'. To initialize yourshell, run $ conda init<SHELL_NAME>Currently supported shells are: - bash - fish - tcsh - xonsh - zsh - powershell See'conda init --help'formore informationandoptions. IMPORTANT: You may ne...
We’ve wanted this support for a long time, and we’re happy to officially supportPowerShell. In addition toPowerShell, the new “conda init” functionality helps get Conda working more quickly and less disruptively on a wide variety of shells (bash, zsh, csh, fish, xonsh, and more). ...